New comment by newbluemoon on void-packages repository Comment: @pullmoll this would surely be an explanation. ;) Maybe you remember this issue: I tried to compile some qt5 program natively on my RPi and ran into an issue where the modules in `/usr/lib/qt5/mkspecs/modules/*.pri` weren’t found. With the `qt.conf` from above (and some other minor adjustments) I was able to compile it; i.e. the right paths were used. However, I believe in the end the problem was that when the application used other qt5 modules besides the core it didn’t work because the required `*.pri` files weren’t available in the cross built devel package of the corresponding module. So there was an underlying problem we never got around to solve. One more thing: the only way I was able to make `qmake` use the `qt.conf` was when both executable and configfile were residing in the same directory.