New comment by pullmoll on void-packages repository Comment: @zdtcd you need to set workdir to the name of the path contained in the zip. Here's a working template: ``` # Template file for 'khmer-fonts-ttf' pkgname=khmer-fonts-ttf version=5.0 revision=1 wrksrc="All_KhmerOS_${version}" archs=noarch hostmakedepends="unzip" depends="font-util" short_desc="Fonts for Khmer and Latin script" maintainer="Doan Tran Cong Danh " license="LGPL-2.1-or-later" homepage="" distfiles="${SOURCEFORGE_SITE}/khmer/Fonts%20-%20KhmerOS/KhmerOS%20Fonts%20${version}-%20LGPL%20Licence/All_ KhmerOS_${version}.zip" checksum=62fec2273016fb6e69b18635e696fd2c91953af9cbe757b341721aec2232432e font_dirs="/usr/share/fonts/TTF" do_install() { for f in ./*.ttf; do vinstall "$f" 644 usr/share/fonts/TTF done } ``` BTW one of the fonts is `KhmerOS .ttf` - note the blank between the name a the `.ttf`.