Closed issue by pullmoll on void-packages repository Description: As you may have noticed in the commit logs we have a problem with cross `arm*-musl` trying to run the cross `g-ir-scanner` with `g-ir-scanner-qemuwrapper`. It hangs for (literally) hours and does not finish. It's seemingly not a problem of the builders or age of (re-)built packages because it happens for me locally as well and I built all of the dependencies here. What I know from looking at `top` when the build hangs is that it seems as if two processes in parallel are running `g-ir-scanner-qemuwrapper` to scan the introspection info. It does not happen with `arm*-gnu` cross builds so it has to be something specific to Musl libc or the cross environment for Musl. I wanted to try if it also happens when using a 32bit environment (i686) for cross compiling `webkit2gtk` for e.g. `armv7l-musl` to see if it's perhaps a 64 vs. 32 bit build environment issue. For now I disabled `gir` for cross `webkit2gtk` to `arm*-musl` but of course this makes packages depending on the introspection files of `webkit2gtk` incomplete or even fail. In case you find time to test this on your local box, you'd have to add `gir` to `build_options_default` in line 43 of `srcpkgs/webkit2gtk/template` and take a look at the processes running after the binaries were built (i.e. after cmake prints 100%). I have no idea yet why it works for `arm*-gnu` but not for `arm*-musl` as for the most part we solved the cross `gobject-introspection` problems with `*-musl` and cross `webkit2gtk` to `aarch64-musl` or `ppc64-musl` work just fine.