New comment by Wychmire on void-packages repository Comment: I'd be happy to submit a PR and maintain it, if I can get it to build. I edited the template according to your suggestions: ```shell # Template file for 'oilshell' pkgname=oilshell version=0.6.0 revision=1 wrksrc=oil-${version} #archs="i686 x86_64" build_style=configure configure_args="--prefix=/usr --with-readline" makedepends="readline-devel" short_desc="Oil, a new unix shell." maintainer=" <>" license="Apache-2.0" homepage="" distfiles="https://${pkgname}.org/download/oil-${version}.tar.xz" checksum=141e3a5c1997a696d65747966978aaa38921d77e303aad9e77b4ab4aedab84b7 do_install() { vbin _bin/oil.ovm # symlink osh, oshc to oil.ovm. cd ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin ln -s oil.ovm osh ln -s oil.ovm oshc # for some reason osh expects itself to be in /usr/local/bin mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin" ln -s "${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/oil.ovm" "${DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/osh" } ``` I'm not sure if oilshell supports i686 or not. If the project doesn't mention anything about support, is it safe to assume there is no i686 support, or should I ask? For `configure_args`, by default it uses `--prefix=/usr`. Does adding a flag to that (`--with-readline`) overwrite the existing args? (in other words, do I need to add `--prefix=/usr`?) It's failing to build with the message ``` => oilshell-0.6.0_1: running do_build ... strip -o _build/oil/ovm-opt.stripped _build/oil/ovm-opt # What's the difference with debug symbols? strip-wrapper: ignoring arguments: -o _build/oil/ovm-opt.stripped _build/oil/ovm-opt # We need a relative path since it will be _bin/oil.ovm objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=_build/oil/ovm-opt.symbols _build/oil/ovm-opt.stripped objcopy: '_build/oil/ovm-opt.stripped': No such file make: *** [Makefile:157: _build/oil/ovm-opt.stripped] Error 1 => ERROR: oilshell-0.6.0_1: do_build: '${make_cmd} ${makejobs} ${make_build_args} ${make_build_target}' exited with 2 => ERROR: in do_build() at common/build-style/ ``` Oilshell doesn't support out-of-tree builds, could that be causing this failure?