New comment by hereforthebugs on void-packages repository Comment: I've never made a package before and can't fins the policy for handling the optional dependencies (2bwm, dbus, etc) in the docs... but I started making a template file so maybe it'll save someone else some time 🤷 ``` # Template file for 'luastatus' pkgname=luastatus version=0.4.0 revision=1 #wrksrc= #create_wrksrc=yes #archs="i686 x86_64" build_style=cmake #configure_args="" #make_build_args="" #make_install_args="" #conf_files="" #make_dirs="/var/log/dir 0755 root root" hostmakedepends="" makedepends="cmake python3-docutils pkg-config" depends="LuaJIT" short_desc="Status bar content generator" maintainer="" license="GPL-3.0-or-later" homepage="" distfiles="${pkgname}/archive/v${version}.tar.gz" checksum="" ```