New comment by EmonHaque on void-packages repository Comment: Thanks again for your reply. I don't know much about Linux and IDK how to get those stderr. A month ago when I first tried void, I'd seen [vlc player crashed]( too but this time it works, don't know how! My main issue is ibus input on Code-OSS and NVIDIA. I usually write my documents in latex nowadays on Code-OSS with LatexWorkshop plugin and sometime record screen on obs with NVENC. After that systemsettings crash, on that video I've shown, I can write multilingual documents in libreoffice-writer and kate using ibus BUT I can't on Code-OSS. I also have shown how did I install NVIDIA and how it messes up the build-in GPU and Intel HD no longer works if I install NVIDIA. I think I'd use Void instead of Arch if NVIDIA and ibus worked properly, I'm on linux since end of June this year and to me Void is next best to Arch.