There is an updated pull request by q66 against master on the void-packages repository llvm9 llvm9 This adds llvm9, strips down llvm8 to a minimum (and updates it to 8.0.1), and bumps a bunch of other packages that should be bumped. Platform testing: - [ ] x86_64 **[need help]** - [ ] x86_64-musl **[need help]** - [ ] i686 **[need help]** - [x] ppc64le - [x] ppc64le-musl - [x] ppc64 - [x] ppc64-musl - [x] ppc - [x] ppc-musl - [ ] aarch64 - [ ] aarch64-musl - [ ] armv7l **[need help]** - [ ] armv6l **[need help]** - [ ] armv7l-musl **[need help]** To bump: - [x] llvm - [x] libcxxabi - [x] libcxx - [x] llvm-libunwind - [ ] libGL - [ ] beignet **[need help, x86 only]** - [ ] libclc-git - [ ] juCi++ - [x] kdevelop - [ ] rtags - [ ] bcc - [ ] ccls - [ ] clazy - [ ] include-what-you-use - [x] shiboken2 - [x] codelite - [x] gnome-builder - [x] bpftrace - [ ] qtcreator - [x] qt5 Not sure if to bump: - [ ] crystal rebuild but not bump (no target llvm/clang dependency): - [x] ardour - [ ] afl **[need help, x86 only]** - [x] blender - [ ] firefox - [ ] firefox-esr - [ ] icecat - [ ] thunderbird - [ ] chromium **[need help, won't build here]** - [x] godot - [ ] ispc **[need help, x86 only]** - [x] yosys - [x] rdedup - [x] pijul Rust will need to be bumped but we'll do that as a part of the upcoming Rust update to avoid building twice. A patch file from is attached