New comment by Chocimier on void-packages repository Comment: > It fails for some ARCHs: What should i do? Qmake often fails to cross-compile. One way is to add some makedepends to hostmakedepends, other is to add not detected include paths like in `qt5-fsarchiver` template. > Files of kindd: > /usr/bin/755 Test your packages before submission, or leave comment that they are untested/wip. > => kindd-2.0.1_1: running pre-pkg hook: 04-generate-runtime-deps ... > > SONAME: <-> qt5-quickcontrols2>=5.7.1_1 xbps-src detects what libraries package do link with, so no need to define most of libraries in depends. > wrksrc="Kindd-${version}" According to [](, Kindd is better choice for pkgname then. > fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git Can you check if it builds without git in hostmakedepends?