Closed issue by mahaer-mahmud on void-packages repository Description: ## Why I think we should abandon GitHub and move to You may feel tempted to use GitHub since it's the most popular website for code hosting... you should think twice, however. GitHub has a couple of issues with itself. The free software alternative ```` gets rid of those issues. 1. GitHub does not allow some countries to use its service For example, [look at what they did to Iranian developers]( GitHub is doing this because the state government is anti-American, and does not fit Microsoft's pro-American agenda. In reality, most Iranian developers are innocent people who would not decline to meet an American. Based on this, it seems GitHub will ban other countries with crazy governments but good people (for example, Indonesia). So if you don't condone developer discrimination, don't develop on GitHub. 2. GitHub is not free (as in freedom) software Since GitHub is not free software, it does not respect your four freedoms. It can mess with you whatever it wants, even if it's harmful to the developer, so as long as it benefits the company. 3. GitHub may not be secure I get it, you're not looking for state-of-the-art encryption here. But since GitHub's owned by the big Microsoft, the big security agencies can judge you based on your activity. And they can treat you unfairly; as far as I know, these agencies aren't required to follow the constitution. Thankfully, at least one of those reasons made you switch to ````. If you do switch, it would be a big benefit to you, as you are using a service oriented to the hacker and not the corporation. However, if you don't have the nerve to go to ````, go to ````, go to a Gitea instance, or set up your own. Thank you for your time.