New comment by obunden on void-packages repository Comment: I'm just taking a guess here, but this should probably reported upstream somewhere. Seems like there has been very little changes in mpv and the biggest change in void seems to be that that the package got rebuilt against ffmpeg-4.2. If your card supports vulkan you could try gpu_context=waylandvk and see if you get the same problem. Don't know if it's relevant but you should probably post your video card / drivers, it might be useful. Also check and see which video output is used in mpv, I imagine it is 'gpu' but have a look. This message from the mpv manual might also shed some light on the issue: ``` Quality reduction with hardware decoding In theory, hardware decoding does not reduce video quality (at least for the codecs h264 and HEVC). However, due to restrictions in video output APIs, as well as bugs in the actual hardware decoders, there can be some loss, or even blatantly incorrect results. In some cases, RGB conversion is forced, which means the RGB conversion is performed by the hardware decoding API, instead of the shaders used by --vo=gpu. This means certain colorspaces may not display correctly, and certain filtering (such as debanding) cannot be applied in an ideal way. This will also usually force the use of low quality chroma scalers instead of the one specified by --cscale. In other cases, hardware decoding can also reduce the bit depth of the decoded image, which can introduce banding or precision loss for 10-bit files. ```