There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository Enable the option of more than 64 CPUs Description: With enterprise hardware now becoming cheaply available as well as the potential upcoming Threadripper 3 CPU (depending on what AMD does with it), it's getting very easy to surpass the current limit of 64 cpus on void. A HP DL580 G7 off ebay will run you $500-$1000 and can be configured with 40/80 (cores/threads). For those wanting even more power a HP DL980 G7 will run you ~$5k, and is 80/160. Note: This does not require the MAXSMP flag to be enabled as SMP supports up to 512 CPUs. Also, this is only relevant to x86_64 CPUs, as other architectures supported by Void are not capable of hitting higher values than the default.