There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository nvidia390: fix libGL dependency conflict Description: Trying to include the package `nvidia390` in a live image: `sudo ./ -a x86_64 -r -p nvidia390` Failed with: > nvidia390-libs-390.129_1: collecting files... ERROR: nvidia390-libs-390.129_1: file `/usr/lib/' already installed by package libEGL-19.1.7_3. ERROR: nvidia390-libs-390.129_1: file `/usr/lib/' already installed by package libGL-19.1.7_3. ERROR: nvidia390-libs-390.129_1: file `/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/' already installed by package libGL-19.1.7_3. Transaction failed! see above for errors. ERROR: Failed to install base-system nvidia390 The reason is that `nvidia390-gtklibs` pulls in `cairo` which in turn installs the Mesa implementation of `libGL` (ignoring the `libGL` provided by Nvidia). I fixed this looking at how the `nvidia` template deals with it, I don't know if it's the optimal solution.