There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository bluez-alsa: fix d-bus config file Description: bluez-alsa 2.0.0 is unable to start and produces the following error: ``` bluealsa: Couldn't acquire D-Bus name: org.bluealsa ``` This is caused by the Void provided D-Bus config file `/etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluez_alsa.conf`. It uses the incorrect D-Bus service name `org.bluez` instead of `org.bluealsa` that bluez-alsa 2.0.0 uses. This pull request deletes the Void provided config file and instead relies on the upstream one (`/etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluealsa.conf`) that bluez-alsa 2.0.0 installs. It also fixes the upstream config file to work with the `bluez_alsa` user instead of `root`.