New comment by sunaku on void-packages repository Comment: Thanks for the tip! :+1::sparkles: I read up on `xbps-src` and followed [the `xbps-src` guide]( to build my own local version of the `erlang` package using the additional `-o x11` flag, as you suggested: ```sh $ git clone --depth=1 $ cd void-packages $ ./xbps-src binary-bootstrap $ ./xbps-src pkg erlang -o x11 $ xi erlang -f ``` However, the `-o x11` rebuild took 37 minutes :snail: of dedicated compute time to finish on my laptop. :thinking: Since I would need to keep rebuilding it this way whenever any new package version is released (which happens every few weeks or so :calendar:), I'm wondering: * Could we make `-o x11` the default in this `erlang` package so folks don't need to rebuild it every time in this manner? :crossed_fingers: * Or perhaps a separate `erlang-x11` package could be created to provide this `-o x11` build to begin with? :innocent: I feel the Observer GUI is a built-in "killer app" for monitoring & understanding Erlang apps. Thanks for your consideration.