New comment by nereusx on void-packages repository Comment: Well, it is useful, but needs work; less text more examples. You should starting with what ppl had to read already. Also add this in the must read or something better. While I did already contributions on other projects like learnxiny it was simpliest, there are features and problems of git that I meet in this project since it has more traffic. You know the solutions, I ll have to search... btw, what is xbump and where is the manual? The has also "missing parts" and its a bit hard to understand, for example why to use vman since I have vinstall? how to include a Makefile to original package so to do my job easy as already know, well there are more questions on this but you didn't ask. Now, I am retired with health issues, but many years ago I was create the smallbasic mostly for PalmOS (from 2004 I retired from the project). I found cvs was more smart in simple task like add a directory without mess everything :P but that I has to say is you need a forum for each subporject (like the documentation). That worked excellent for me. Also there is a wiki-void but link is not in the main site, why? how do you expect ppl to find this? The void site need to be rewritten with the major resources on the top. Find easy is a mesaure for sites quality you know... well at least it was. That are my comments, I am happy with your works guys, I just comment for better results.