There is an updated pull request by Johnnynator against master on the void-packages repository qt5.14 [WIP] qt5 update to 5.14.0 # Tested on - [x] x86_64 (compiled and runtime) - [x] x86_64-musl (compiled without webengine) - [x] i686 (compiled) - [ ] armv7l-musl - [ ] armv7l - [ ] armv6l-musl - [x] armv6l (compiled without webengine) - [x] aarch64-musl (compiled without webengine) - [ ] aarch64 - [ ] ppc64le - [ ] ppc64le-musl - [ ] ppc64 - [ ] ppc64-musl - [ ] ppc - [ ] ppc-musl # TODO: - fix cross - split qt5-webengine - rebase webengine ppc patches @q66 - musl things (?) - more things - `-no-feature-qdoc` instead of custom `qttools/src/` ? - visual bugs with KDE Plasma (e.g. logout/shutdown screen borked) - force build qt5-designer for cross again A patch file from is attached