There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository bumblebee: set correct MODPATH_NVIDIA after libglvnd switch Description: This simple change results in a working bumblebee setup in a `mesa`/`nvidia390` Optimus laptop. After the switch to `libglvnd`, `bumblebee` can be setup correctly because `nvidia390` doesn't attempt to replace `mesa` anymore. Enabling the `bumblebeed` service makes Xorg pick up Mesa's GLX by default, while apps run with `optirun` use NVIDIA's GL. Arch has an additional [patch]( for `libglvnd` support which sets the __GLVND_DISALLOW_PATCHING env variable but I didn't find it necessary, maybe it's the result of a recent `libglvnd` update. If someone else finds that necessary, we can include it. Tested on a Optimus laptop with `mesa`/`nvidia390` configuration (but should also work for `mesa`/`nvidia`, although NVIDIA's Prime Render Offload is a much better method performance-wise).