New comment by sgn on void-packages repository Comment: On 2020-01-30 04:22:30-0800, Daniel Kolesa wrote: > It doesn't matter what xfce does. GLADE from version 3 is meant to > be modular, and via libgladeui you can access exactly the same stuff We don't need anything from glade to use glade-generated-UI. > the designer application does, which includes the plugins. It's just > wrong to restrict the plugins to the designer itself. Here is the answer from #xfce ``` JackFrost | libxfce4ui-glade, if it's like the one in Ubuntu, contains glade/modules/ and is for working on Xfce projects in glade itself, when | they use xfce-titled-dialog. sgn | So, it's for developer of XFCE projects only, and it's not meant for end users, right? Bashing-om | sgn: ^^ and " sysop@x1804mini:~$ apt depends libxfce4ui-glade >> Depends: libxfce4ui-2-0 also has a list of dependencies. JackFrost | sgn: Unless those end users are developing Xfce. :P JackFrost | sgn: Is that the GTK2 or GTK3 one? ``` Anyway, I think a compromised solution may suite your view. I'll split libgladeui3 as same as Debian and RedHat. I don't think anyone else would need it, except GTK Designer, themselves. But, I'll split libxfce4ui-glade out of libxfce4ui. This libxfce4ui-glade will depend on libgladeui3, anyone that worry about different UX with designer (which isn't) can install it themselves. Ubuntu does it that way, Xubuntu is pretty popular and well-tested distribution, follows their steps look like a sensible choice to me.