New comment by xelxebar on void-packages repository Comment: That's bad. `xbps-query -Rf j | grep lib` gives me the same; however, nuking /binpkgs and rebuilding locally, this is what I see and what we want in the repo: ``` $ xls j | grep lib /usr/lib/j/j64/jconsole /usr/lib/j/j64/ /usr/lib/j/j64avx/jconsole /usr/lib/j/j64avx/ /usr/lib/j/j64avx2/jconsole /usr/lib/j/j64avx2/ /usr/share/j/system/main/stdlib.ijs ``` I do vaguely remembered that the build scripts exit without error if given the wrong parameters. Setting `jplatform=foo j64x=bar' confirms this. My guess is that, on the machine/cluster that builds for the main repo, the `do_build` is degrading to a noop. `/usr/lib/j` gets populated from `/bin`, the latter being where the build outputs reside. This would create an empty `/usr/lib/j` which ends up getting elided in the final packaging phase. That said, are the build logs still hanging around? Grepping for `no case for those parameters` would confirm the above hypothesis.