Closed issue by sww1235 on void-packages repository Description: ### System Fresh install of void in a kvm/qemu vm with no more updates showing in xbps-install -Svu. Linux 4.18.9_1 * package: nvidia 390.87 #### Other system info * GTX1060 gfx card passed into the VM * Windows 10 vm with identical setup has no issues. ### Expected behavior nvidia driver installs and the system boots ### Actual behavior After installing the nonfree repo and the nvidia package and rebooting, my system freezes after the `loading initial ramdisk` prompt in grub. I have tried with both `nomodeset` and not in the grub linux parameters line. Everything built properly and seemed to work. ### Steps to reproduce the behavior * install void * install void-repo-nonfree * install nvidia package * reboot system I had this issue before on 4.17.19_1 and 390.77 but could never figure out a resolution. See #2330 I am happy to do some troubleshooting, etc but I have no idea how to troubleshoot the initramfs if my system doesn't actually boot. Thank you for your help