New comment by gcat432 on void-packages repository Comment: Thank you for your contribution. I would suggest some modifications as I was not able to install this package using your template. ``` # Template file for 'font-jetbrainsmono' pkgname=font-jetbrainsmono version=1.0.3 revision=1 wrksrc="JetBrainsMono-${version}" archs=noarch short_desc="JetbrainsMono: Typeface font with ligatures for programming" maintainer="RinsedSloth " license="Apache-2.0" homepage="" distfiles="${version}.tar.gz" checksum=24b423336d702e209a7181873300f855078d2c47e1a519c63ce57755ea7569ea font_dirs="/usr/share/fonts/TTF" do_install() { vmkdir usr/share/fonts/TTF cd ttf for f in *.ttf; do vinstall $f 0644 /usr/share/fonts/TTF done } ``` Furthermore, TTF fonts packages seem to be named with `ttf` like for example `font-hack-ttf`, so maybe it is to be reconsidered but it would be better to ask someone from the team for a confirmation.