There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository Move to versioned pam-gnupg Description: This PR makes pam-gnupg-git a meta-package that depends on the new pam-gnupg package, which is a proper release version of the pam-gnupg module. The migration does not seem to work when pam-gnupg-git is a subpackage of pam-gnupg because the change from date-based versioning (20191206_1) to release versioning (0.1_1) is not properly ordered and XBPS will not recognize that the new meta-package is an upgrade to the earlier version. The plan is to keep the pam-gnupg-git meta-package around for awhile---maybe until the next upstream release (I do not suspect that this is a popular package), then remove it and continue only with the new release-based package.