New comment by alferguet on void-packages repository Comment: Sorry for the late response @gcat432, been quite busy extinguishing some fires at work . I appreciate your input for the package, as installed manually the font before packaging it could be why it didn't work for you as at least packaged without trouble for me. Your template looks much cleaner and it is great that you use vinstall as opposed to me that didn't know the use of it at the time of the creation. I took the firacode template as inspiration. I think it is a good idea to include the type of the font in the name. In fact, I do not longer have access to the fork where I did create this PR so don't know if it is possible to modify it so with the pardon of the mantainers I am going to create a new one with this template that I have checked it works if it is fine for you. As it is your work want to give you credit for the template but if you wish to be the mantainer I think it is fair.