New comment by gspe on void-packages repository Comment: This template doesn't build python files and has unnecessary dependency `depends="boost python3" ` The follow template works, and should cross-compile: ``` # Template file for 'pybind11' pkgname=pybind11 version=2.4.3 revision=1 build_style=cmake configure_args="-D PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=ON -D PYBIND11_MASTER_PROJECT=ON -D PYBIND11_TEST=OFF" hostmakedepends="python3-devel python3-setuptools" makedepends="python3-devel" short_desc="Seamless operability between C++11 and Python" maintainer="Giuseppe Fierro " license="BSD-3-Clause" homepage="" distfiles="${pkgname}/archive/v${version}.tar.gz" checksum=1eed57bc6863190e35637290f97a20c81cfe4d9090ac0a24f3bbf08f265eb71d # build python package post_build() { # cmake already install pybind11 headers export PYBIND11_USE_CMAKE=ON python3 build python3 install --prefix=/usr --root=${DESTDIR} } post_install() { vlicense LICENSE } ```