New comment by Anachron on void-packages repository Comment: Currently builds, but the plugins need build options ``` usrsctp (only needed if you are interested in Data Channels) libmicrohttpd (at least v0.9.59; only needed if you are interested in REST support for the Janus API) libwebsockets (only needed if you are interested in WebSockets support for the Janus API) cmake (only needed if you are interested in WebSockets and/or BoringSSL support, as they make use of it) rabbitmq-c (only needed if you are interested in RabbitMQ support for the Janus API or events) paho.mqtt.c (only needed if you are interested in MQTT support for the Janus API or events) nanomsg (only needed if you are interested in Nanomsg support for the Janus API) libcurl (only needed if you are interested in the TURN REST API support) A couple of plugins depend on a few more libraries: Sofia-SIP (only needed for the SIP plugin) libopus (only needed for the bridge plugin) libogg (needed for the voicemail plugin and/or post-processor) libcurl (only needed if you are interested in RTSP support in the Streaming plugin or in the sample Event Handler plugin) Lua (only needed for the Lua plugin) ```