New comment by eli-schwartz on void-packages repository Comment: > Alpine also needs perl for bootstraping, and the perl `c_rehash` runtime script is not needed in our case, since our `ca-certifcates` package is not using it, so we can simply ignore it. > They still have c implementation of `c_rehash` but as I said, it is not really needed and we can ignore it, since we use the debian ca_certificates update script. Note that there's probably never a good excuse to use c_rehash at all, whether you use the debian ca_certificates script or not... because tl;dr `/usr/bin/openssl rehash` and `/usr/bin/c_rehash` do the same thing, one in C and one in perl. It's unclear when you'd ever want to use the latter, and I think you might be hard-pressed to find software which invokes it. Someone tried to rewrite it in bash and PR it to openssl, but the PR was closed as "perl is easier to build on OpenVMS, that being said we might be able to just drop it entirely since you should just use the openssl app's rehash command".