Closed issue by ahesford on void-packages repository Description: The move to drop the default `python_version=2` in favor of no default, in combination with the move to derive the `pycompile_version` value from `python_version`, has broken builds that declare `pycompile_dirs` without `python_version`. The hook `common/hooks/post-install/` tries to discover the `pycompile_version` from the existence of `usr/lib/pythonX.Y`. However, this directory will not exist if a package installs Python code somewhere else. In these cases, when `pycompile_dirs` is nonempty by `python_version` is not set, the hook will fail. The fix involves: 1. Finding the list of packages that declare `pycompile_dirs`; 2. Eliminating from the list those packages that also declare `python_version`; 3. Further eliminating those packages that install files into `usr/lib/pythonX.Y` for any version `X.Y`; and 4. Manually adding `python_version=2` to the remaining templates. This will restore prior build behavior for those packages. I will dig into this as soon as I have time. In the meantime, please merge as many reasonable PRs that add explicit `python_version` to individual templates as possible to avoid duplicate PRs and potential merge conflicts.