Closed issue by dbischof90 on void-packages repository Description: ### System ThinkPad T23, 1GB RAM, Pentium III Tualatine-256 1133MHz (Includes MMX, SSE) * xuname: Void 5.4.34_1 i686 GenuineIntel uptodate rF * package: Various packages, explicit examples go and rust ### Expected behavior I would expect that these packages are runnable - at least rust can be compiled for the i586 architecture, so I would expect that the P3 CPU should be able to run it ### Actual behavior After installation and running the programs, I get "Ungültiger Maschinenbefehl", which roughly translate to "Invalid machine instruction" and nothing else happens. ### Steps to reproduce the behavior `sudo xbps-install -Syu go; go` I had issues with some packages like Firefox, which now explicitly require SSE2 from the processor, which the P3 doesn't have. However, I am not aware that either rust or go (and various other packages) have that requirement, however it seems to be compiled with an instruction set that is incompatible with the P3. That makes installation via xbps somewhat of trial-and-error process, as programs like python and neovim have no problems and others such as rust and go seem to be problematic without the possibility to know beforehand which one should work. I posted on reddit as well: I am at this point not fully sure that it is due to SSE/SSE2 but it's my primary suspicion. Can xbps and/or the templates be expanded to differentiate between them and provide the 'correct' binary? After all, the P3 -is- a i686 and I don't think there is a reason go wouldn't run on it. There are programs like Firefox which have explicit bounds on SSE2 for good reasons but I feel that differentiation is a bit unclear for xbps packages.