New comment by dawidpotocki on void-packages repository Comment: I was doing myself riot-desktop update to 1.6.0 and have all following issues fixed, so you can copy-paste my work, do it yourself, or just let me create a PR. 1. Please don't download precompiled riot-web package, instead use `distfiles` for `riot-web` and compile with `yarn build`. 2. > `=> WARNING: riot-desktop-1.6.0_1: not found in common/shlibs!` Also you should see this error at the end of a build log, I don't know what this file is for (and couldn't find any information online), but it doesn't exist anywhere in a build. The only similar thing I found is 3. Riot icon should be changed to one without text 4. Message search still isn't working (at least for me) > Message search > Riot is missing some components required for securely caching encrypted messages locally. If you'd like to experiment with this feature, build a custom Riot Desktop with search components added.