New comment by fosslinux on void-packages repository Comment: I think this should be standardized across all DM, WM and DEs. What makes SDDM special that it should have this dependency? Why not add this requirement to (say) xfce4, etc? Having `xorg-minimal` as a hard dependency is likely to pull in a lot of dependencies users may not necessarily want, and I think there should be a way to make it an optional dependency; ie, make it removable from the system, for usecases where sddm is needed but not an X server. Does XBPS have this ability? My personal opinion for the best solution here would be to make a `sddm-full` package, or rename `sddm` to `sddm-base`, or something like that, introducing new package/changing the existing sddm package to depend on `sddm`/ `sddm-base`, `xorg-minimal` and potentially other goodies.