There's a merged pull request on the void-packages repository Update avahi, take ownership Description: This brings avahi and its subpackages up to date. Included are new libraries to incorporate avahi with libevent or qt5, as new subpackages. Also, the Python parts of avahi are compatible with py3, so there are new `-python3` subpackages as appropriate. The `avahi-python` package is still usable with py2 and has been preserved; `avahi-python-utils` is now an empty meta to bring in the new `avahi-python3-utils`, as the contents of the newer package supplant the older. EDIT: I've also unified the `avahi-discover` and `avahi` templates. They were separate to avoid dependencies like `gtk+3` in the base packages. However, I've double-checked the dependencies when building all of the subpackages from one template, and these extra dependencies do not leak into the base package. The unification makes maintenance easier and saves build time, because now `avahi-discover` and its subpackages can just copy files from the `avahi` build rather than rebuilding everything (with the potential for mismatched build options) a second time just to extract the UI bits.