Closed issue by kotoko on void-packages repository Description: ### System * xuname: `Void 5.4.51_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel/KVM uptodate rFF` * package: `puppet-6.16.0_1` ### Expected behavior Puppet applies configuration. ### Actual behavior Puppet hangs during gathering info about system. I'm 80% sure that puppet hangs during getting info about network related stuff. Puppet itself looks like it hangs (waiting for something that does not end). On another tty when I run command `top` there is one process `dhcpcd` that endlessly uses 100% of cpu. I tried to kill it and then process came back and also there was new warning in puppet log. Top command: ![puppet_top]( Also there are warnings: ![puppet_warnings]( ### Steps to reproduce the behavior What I do: 1. Install up-to-date minimal void linux in virtualbox. 2. Download and run script `bash`. (Inside script: `puppet apply --modulepath ./modules manifests/init.pp`) I'm guessing that if you create dummy puppet manifest (for example create directory anywhere) puppet will also hang.