There is an updated pull request by ahesford against master on the void-packages repository tex-virtual Provide and use 'tex' virtual package The `texlive` virtual package has been renamed `tex` to be more generic and avoid confusion with the new "native" `texlive` package, and `texlive` has been named the default provider for the new virtual. Every `texlive*-bin` package provides `tex` with a version based on its own (which is the release year); the new `texlive` strips the month and day from its year to similarly provide `tex` with a version by year. A few texlive dependents that are quick to build have been updated to depend on the new virtual, and I've bumped `python3-pyx` while I was at it. This is really motivated by `xournalpp`, which is [ready to go]( with the new virtual, but I'm holding back because I want this to run through CI and I'm afraid `xournalpp` will time out. This will also break `lyx` which currently depends on `virtual?texlive`, but that's also [ready to go]( with a new version bump. Again, including `lyx` here might overrun Travis time limits. Seeking comments from @q66 and @fosslinux since they shepherded the new `texlive` as well as @leahneukirchen as `texlive*-bin` maintainer. A patch file from is attached