New comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: I'm not crazy about splitting to `radicale1` and updating `radicale` to v3. It's not much better than making `radicale3`. An inability to upgrade from the old `radicale` package sounds like an argument for holding local package versions, rather than altering the package tree to accomodate outdated software. Maybe the `INSTALL.msg` for an updated `radicale` could include some basic instructions for reverting to an old version if that is required by some users: ``` CAUTION: Radicale 3.x is not backwards compatible with Radicale 1.x. If you are upgrading from Radicale 1.x, please consult upstream documentation for information about migrating existing data to the format used by this version. If you are unable to upgrade but require Radicale 1.x to function, you can install the xtools package and run xdowngrade /var/cache/xbps/radicale-..xbps xbps-pkgdb -m hold radicale for your architecture and locally cached version number. If you do not have a cached version of the package, you can install an unmanaged version with, for example pip install radicale<2 You may wish to use a virtual environment to isolate pip-installed packages from system-managed packages. ```