New comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: The symlink you request is not a robust solution to the problem of a missing ``. Source versions 5 and 6 of `libncurses` both allow the shared object to be built with ABI version 5 or 6, which leads to confusion and potential incompatibilities. Your version of `megacli` was probably built on a distribution that builds `ncurses5` v5 with the v6 ABI, so things just happen to work when you make the symlink on Void. One of the responses to the Reddit post you linked makes this point. It looks like [openSUSE uses the v5 ABI]( The confusing versioning schemes are the reason the Void package recently dropped all v5 symlinks; there is nothing left in the official repo that relies on them. You are welcome to create your own symlink to fix `megacli`.