There is an updated pull request by cinerea0 against master on the void-packages repository ly [WIP] New package: ly-0.5.2 [ly]( is a simple TUI display manager. It recently had a new tagged release, and I thought this would be a good time to try to package it. ly has been requested multiple times (,, and there have been multiple attempts to package it (,, The template is based almost entirely on [this template]( by @ericonr, and the service files were taken from [a fork of ly made to work with Void]( The patches make minor adjustments to make ly display on the standard TTY 7 and remove the systemD service. ly is able to build properly on my machine; I'll soon see if it build properly through travis. The problem with this package is that it doesn't seem to work quite right after it starts running. I get PAM errors when attempting to log in using ly; you can see those errors in [this issue in the ly repository]( My hunch is that the problem lies in [ly's PAM file]( Does anyone know how to patch this to work properly? A patch file from is attached