There is an updated pull request by luhann against master on the void-packages repository R [WIP] R: update to 4.0.2. This is a major version update to R with some breaking changes for older R packages/scripts. Although the problems with most CRAN packages should be resolved as CRAN gave package authors a deadline to submit fixes. I've been using R 4.0 for a couple of months now and not experienced any problems. ## Breaking Changes - Packages need to be (re-)installed under this version (4.0.2) of R. - R now uses a stringsAsFactors = FALSE default, and hence by default no longer converts strings to factors in calls to data.frame() and read.table(). A large number of packages relied on the previous behaviour and so have needed/will need updating. ## Build Changes - This version of R is built against the PCRE2 library for Perl-like regular expressions, if available. - Enable memory profiling by building with --enable-memory-profiling flag, this is the default on all binaries provided by upstream, and several other distros. ## Dependencies to Build and Check - [ ] R-cran-R6 - [ ] R-cran-RColorBrewer - [ ] R-cran-Rcpp - [ ] R-cran-assertthat - [ ] R-cran-backports - [ ] R-cran-callr - [ ] R-cran-cli - [ ] R-cran-colorspace - [ ] R-cran-crayon - [ ] R-cran-data.table - [ ] R-cran-desc - [ ] R-cran-dichromat - [ ] R-cran-digest - [ ] R-cran-ellipsis - [ ] R-cran-evaluate - [ ] R-cran-fansi - [ ] R-cran-farver - [ ] R-cran-generics - [ ] R-cran-ggplot2 - [ ] R-cran-glue - [ ] R-cran-gsubfn - [ ] R-cran-gtable - [ ] R-cran-isoband - [ ] R-cran-labeling - [ ] R-cran-lazyeval - [ ] R-cran-lifecycle - [ ] R-cran-lubridate - [ ] R-cran-magrittr - [ ] R-cran-munsell - [ ] R-cran-nloptr - [ ] R-cran-pillar - [ ] R-cran-pkgbuild - [ ] R-cran-pkgconfig - [ ] R-cran-pkgload- - [ ] R-cran-plyr - [ ] R-cran-praise - [ ] R-cran-prettyunits - [ ] R-cran-processx - [ ] R-cran-proto- - [ ] R-cran-ps - [ ] R-cran-reshape - [ ] R-cran-rlang - [ ] R-cran-rprojroot - [ ] R-cran-rstudioapi - [ ] R-cran-scales - [ ] R-cran-stringi - [ ] R-cran-stringr - [ ] R-cran-testthat - [ ] R-cran-tibble - [ ] R-cran-utf8 - [ ] R-cran-vctrs - [ ] R-cran-viridisLite - [ ] R-cran-withr - [ ] R-cran-zeallot - [ ] R-cran-zoo - [ ] emacs-ess - [ ] rstudio A patch file from is attached