Closed issue by xelxebar on void-packages repository Description: ## Raw Details $ xbps-query -f xen-hypervisor | grep '^/boot' /boot/boot/xen-4.10.4.config /boot/boot/xen-4.10.4.gz $ sudo xuname Void 5.3.17_1 x86_64 AuthenticAMD/PV uptodate rrrmFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF $ xbps-query -p pkgver xen-hypervisor xen-hypervisor-4.10.4_2 ## Discussion The above, of course, causes grub to not detect the presence of xen. I was able to work around this by moving `/boot/boot/*` into `/boot` and running `xbps-reconfigure -f xen-hypervisor`, but that is clearly a hack. I tried compiling xen locally to see if I could spot something funny, but nothing caught my eye. Am I just missing something silly?