New comment by fosslinux on void-packages repository Comment: > This link shows that LibreSSL has more development than Untrue, look at commit histories. > In this **old** link, it compares OpenSSL vs LibreSSL, showing how security is applied in LibreSSL code. > OpenSSL has a design problem, it is susceptible to serious flaws (emphasis mine); yes, it is old, and that's the problem. OpenSSL's codebase quality and security auditing has increased greatly in the last 5 years. I would have agreed with you some time ago. Nowdays, LibreSSL gets much less auditing, has much fewer developers working on LibreSSL-portable, and has far less architecture support. > quantity of developers in OpenSSL does not mean quality in the code I agree, but it does mean that something has to lose attention. Often, this is performance, or architecture support, and even build support/code quality (especially in libressl-portable), as @q66 can attest to. > OpenSSL has a lot of legacy OS discontinued Care to elaborate?