New comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: Per [my comment]( in #151 and the reply from @flexibeast, I'm inquiring here about dropping the `systemd` cgroup mount logic in the runit service. 1. Is there a compelling reason the mount responsibility should not be moved to a user's `/etc/fstab` or `/etc/rc.local`, wiht the service failing (either explicity in the `run` script or by letting `lxd` itself fail) if the `systemd` cgroup fs has not been mounted? 2. If the previous answer is "yes", is there a compelling reason to move the `systemd` mount to `/etc/runit/core-services/` for a global solution? If there is a good reason to leave the mount in the runit service, I think there ought to be a `finish` script to unmount the `systemd` cgroup fs since the service takes resposibility for maintaining it.