New review comment by fosslinux on void-packages repository Comment: The problem lies here in `texmf.cnf` and `tlmgr`. First, in `texmf.cnf`: ``` % ^L Part 1: Search paths and directories. % This is the parent directory of our several trees, i.e., % /usr/local/texlive/YYYY in the original TeX Live distribution. % % The path definitions here assume the directories are organized % according to the TeX Directory Structure ( % % Redistributors will probably want $SELFAUTODIR/share, i.e., /usr/share. % Kpathsea sets (in kpathsea/progname.c): % SELFAUTOLOC (directory of the binary=/usr/local/texlive/YYYY/bin/i386-linux), % SELFAUTODIR (its parent = /usr/local/texlive/YYYY/bin), % SELFAUTOPARENT (its grandparent = /usr/local/texlive/YYYY), and % SELFAUTOGRANDPARENT (its great-grandparent = /usr/local/texlive). ``` `tlmgr` has: ``` if (-r "$bindir/$kpsewhichname") { # if not in bootstrapping mode => kpsewhich exists, so use it to get $Master chomp($Master = `kpsewhich -var-value=SELFAUTOPARENT`); } ``` Hence because `SELFAUTLOC=/usr/bin` `SELFAUTOPARENT=/` and so it adds `/tlpkg` and `/texmf-dist/scripts/texlive` to `@INC` and can't find anything. These variable definitions are hardcoded into kpathsea so they cannot be changed; `SELFAUTOPARENT` will always be `/`. So, the three options are a wrapper like this one, patching tlmgr to use `/usr/share/texmf-dist` as `$Master` or patching kpathsea. None of these are all that nice, IMHO.