New comment by zenny on void-packages repository Comment: > Hey @zenny, here is a template for `libgccjit` that I got working today on my machine (`x86-64 glibc`). I hope this could serve as a starting point for a real `libgccjit` template for void: > > > > I used this as reference: > > I tried modifying the existing `gcc` template to have a subpackage for `libgccjit`, but I couldn't get it to work as I'd keep getting errors telling me to add `-fPIC` although I had already added it to the flags. Either way, it is not recommended to use the same `./configure` call for the gcc compilers as for `libgccjit` since `-fPIC` and `--enable-host-shared` come at a performance cost: @Javyre Thanks for help, I shall test and get back with my results. Meanwhile, would you mind taking some time to explain the steps you took to build `libgccjit`? Appreciate that. Fyi, I am new to `xbps` package build. Cheers and stay safe, /z