New comment by fosslinux on void-packages repository Comment: Ok, replying to some comments here: @ericonr: > I like noarch because it enables me to build something like the void-docs package and put it in the release so that everyone can download it as a preview. @zdykstra does the same thing with zfsbootmenu, where it's even more useful because he does release candidates. What do you mean? I don't really understand this use-case. Is the idea you build once and then `XBPS_TARGET_ARCH=x86_^4-musl xbps-rindex -a *.xbps` for each architecture? Doing things like this is completely unsupported AFAICT. Removing noarch building from the build system entirely removes the need for noarch support in xbps, which is quite broken. @ahesford > That noarch implies nodebug, nostrip, noshlibprovides and whatever else does not make it a useful shorthand for those things, because it also implies other things that are being disregarded by dropping current noarch functionality. I don't quite get what you mean. These other things are unnessecary, and the shorthand for `nodebug`, etc is useful for data packages. This is why I think we shouldr ename it.