New comment by ahesford on void-packages repository Comment: Please don't duplicate and close PRs, it adds extra noise and complicates tracking the evolution of requests. To squash commits in #24379 you could have done, in your local git repo (assuming `upstream` is a remote reference to and `origin` is a remote reference to your personal fork): ``` git switch adobe-flash-plugin git pull --rebase upstream master git rebase --interactive upstream/master ``` This will open an editor to allow you to modify the history of commits you've made on top of `upstream/master`. Leave the first `pick` line alone, and change the `pick` references of every other commit to `squash`, then save and quit the editor. A new editor instance will open asking you to edit the commit message for the new squashed message, which you can change as needed, save and quit. The result should be a new, single commit representing a composite of all the changes you made. Finally, `git push -f origin adobe-flash-plugin` will force-push your new history to the branch tracked in the PR. Alternatively, you could have created a new local branch from `upstream/master`, made the commit however you saw fit, and then done `git push -f origin adobe-flash-plugin` to replace the contents of your remote branch with the new, simplified history.