New comment by br0qn on void-packages repository Comment: Trying to get this going on Pi4 8gb (64bit) **basically new to linux [managed to install and run chromium on a chromebook for a while] jumping in the deep end Attempting to build the image via the instructions in the first post got to but skipped # configure stuff like XBPS_MAKEJOBS here if you want then running ./xbps-src binary-bootstrap yields xbps-install is missing in your system, can't continue! xbps-query is missing in your system, can't continue! xbps-rindex is missing in your system, can't continue! xbps-uhelper is missing in your system, can't continue! xbps-reconfigure is missing in your system, can't continue! xbps-remove is missing in your system, can't continue! xbps-create is missing in your system, can't continue! xbps-uchroot is missing in your system, can't continue! xbps-uunshare is missing in your system, can't continue! Any help appreciated.