New comment by gorkawien on void-packages repository Comment: > Is the inclusion of [bpytop](#24668) enough to close this? I would also say "yes". It would be a great addition to the repositories. Just in case, i post the template for the last verson 1.0.24: # Template file for 'bpytop' pkgname=bpytop version=1.0.24 revision=1 build_style=gnu-makefile archs=noarch #conf_files="" #hostmakedepends="" #makedepends="" depends="python3 python3-psutil" conflicts="python3-psutil<5.7.0" short_desc="Resource monitor for processor, memory, disks, network, processes" maintainer="Tuxliban Torvalds <>" license="Apache-2.0" homepage="" distfiles="${pkgname}/archive/v${version}.tar.gz" checksum=f8db1f2710c95f0d5c9c171bff7166678640024ca1e9162cc8c98b898932e7ed