New comment by hippi777 on void-packages repository Comment: hi there! :) im not sure, but i think the void folks wont include it into the main repo, maybe some1 will make it available in an another repo, but in the worst case u can write a template for downloading the deb/whatever package and mess with that :D i think it should be straightforward... other than that, check out bedrock linux, its a tool to mix distros (for those who know what they are actually doing :D ) btw as void is suitable to be run on a half potato, maybe there are chances for anything like what u wish for... i actually wish for an outcast repo for all those unwanted stuffs, like the git head of grub :D also, i believe kernel related standpoint is written in the docs, and if i remember correctly then ive seen a xanmod request some months ago, or anything similar... good luck, have fun, theres no impossible :D