New comment by fosslinux on void-packages repository Comment: From the thread that you have linked, the problem seems to be that void packages GHC 8.8: > It looks like you're on GHC 8.8, but Spago currently supports building only with GHC 8.4. This is a relatively common issue in a variety of ecosystems and a thing distributions often have to solve. And, normally, the response from package maintainers is something along the lines of what you got: > since maintaining a spago package with a newer GHC version than the one used in this project will be an ongoing source of pain for you because of breakages like this (we've seen this repeatedly with the compiler and its homebrew and nix packages). I got something similar for Anki (we won't support rust stable just for distributions, use our official packages, etc, etc). However, a lot of the time, someone has done the work to do it and it just isn't in a stable release yet, as is the case here. This PR,, was created for NixOS, and you can use the patch here. Add as a patch in XBPS (hot tip: adding .patch to the end of any commit or pull request URL on github will give you a unified diff file!) Then, you can drop the janky different version of GHC and do it the proper way (using void's version of ghc).