Closed issue by manneorama on void-packages repository Description: ### System * xuname: Void 5.6.19_1 x86_64 GenuineIntel notuptodate rrmFFFFFF * package: sv-netmount-0.1_2 ### Expected behavior sv-netmount silently tries to mount network drives ### Actual behavior sv-netmount's run script spams the OK status of $NETWORK_MANAGER to stdout if any later step fails. In my case, this manifests as wpa_supplicant being up and running while the route is not fully configured. This leads to runit output spamming my login prompt at boot, which then prevents me from logging in at tty1 for an uncomfortable amount of seconds. ### Steps to reproduce the behavior Probably best reproduced on a wireless LAN but I guess this could happen in any setup where there is a delay between "physical" connection and actual route configuration.