New comment by Logarithmus on void-packages repository Comment: @ericonr what's wrong with the program being contained in a single C file? It's even better: almost instant builds, no extra load on the build server. `symlinks` is very useful in tandem with `rdfind`. `rdfind` can be used to recursively search for duplicate files (based on size & hashsum) insie directory and then replace them with symlinks. The thing is that `rdfind` sometimes create absolute symlinks instead of relative ones, which prevents you from sharing this directory with someone else. `symlinks` can correct such symlinks, as well as remove broken ones if you want so. My recent use case for `rdfind`+`symlinks` is deduplication of `Obsidian` icon themes. IMO, it's always better to install a package than manually run `make && sudo make install`. Your system will be quickly filled with garbage left from partially uninstalled software. That's what package managers were created for. Regarding the lack of updates: this program has no dependencies, only standard library. So the lack of updates also not a problem.